Saturday, 15 December 2007


I love Ravelry. I love it for lots of reasons.
1. I can look at how a pattern has turned out for different knitters in different yarns.
2. While it doesn't replace reading blogs, it allows knitting porn viewing in bulk.
3. I find people I would normally never stumble across in my usual web-crawling.
4. I find patterns I would normally never stumble across in my usual web-crawling.
5. People are actually looking at what I'm doing.

I don't know why I find that last point so exciting, but I do. I don't know many other people who knit, and it's nice to have people randomly decide that what I'm doing is interesting enough to look at.

We're busy packing the house up to move. Lots of things are in boxes to be shipped, other things are in piles to be sold or given away. I've signed a contract with my current company's Australian office, and it's all becoming real now. I'm sad about leaving, but I'm also looking forward to lots of things: Christmas, New Year, not working for a month, living in our Sydney flat again, catching up with family and friends.

Mostly I'm just desperate to stop moving at such a frantic pace. I could do with a bit of peaceful slowness.

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