Thursday, 26 July 2007

must...make use of...sun

I was at home and awake when we got our late afternoon sliver of sun, and did my best to make use of it.Clapotis is unblocked and the ends haven't been woven in, but the knitting is done:

unblocked clapotis

unblocked clapotis detail purl side

unblocked clapotis detail knit side

It's not my favourite clapotis, but it's my first decent-sized piece of knitting, so I'm pleased.

The one row scarf grows every now and then
one row scarf - basking in late evening sun1one row scarf - basking in late evening sun2

We have achieved proto-socks:

freedom spirit 514 nature
first socks - proto socks
first socks - toe detail

Did I say the Addi's were nice? The Addi's are really, really nice.

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