I've been doing very little knitting or crocheting, or indeed anything creative. Sometimes I nearly miss having a long commute... but not really.
I did crochet a face washer out of organic cotton, and I like it, although I crocheted on the bias and it is definitely diamond-shaped, not square. Never mind. It still washes a face perfectly well.
I'm still crocheting a bag in cheap squeaky acrylic, just to prove that I can. Hopefully I will eventually finish, but it is easy to get distracted.
Speaking of distractions, I did succumb and buy the Vogue Knitting Stitchionary vol 1, which I have wanted for a very long time. As a result, I've been knitting a face washer in linen stitch. While the stitch is a pain to do since you both slip and knit every stitch, the results are lovely. I really like this stitch. I think the resulting face washer will be pleasantly smooth on one side and nicely nubbly on the other.
Cooking has been fairly standard, except for this weekend. I made two flourless chocolate cakes (from Delicious: Wicked), soaked them in run and sandwiched them together with whipped cream. I had a slice for breakfast this morning. I only do this about once a year, but there's something about starting the day off with dessert which ticks the little box labeled 'total decadence' for me. I remember the last time vividly: it was champagne trifle made on chocolate cake when I could still eat wheat without getting a migraine. Actually that makes it about 3 years ago. Clearly I don't indulge in total decadence nearly often enough.