It's a bit startling to realise how long it has been since I posted. I've been running around like some kind of nervous rodent trying to resume our life here. Being back in Australia is odd, working for the same company but in an office 1/10 the size of the previous one is odd, being back in our flat is odd, the way the city has changed but not really changed is odd. It's all a bit odd.
So to complement the oddness I decided to learn to crochet, firmly believing that one should never avoid taking up more crafts* because knitting, sewing, weaving, dyeing, tatting, macrame and needlepoint just aren't enough. I'm working on a small shoulder bag in a some rather squeaky acrylic and buying organic cotton for my next project.
I'm also in the middle of making a couple of iPod covers for my other half and one of her friends. Unfortunately work and dealing with the general oddness of life means the first one has been sitting on the bookshelf, felted and waiting for me to sew it up for several weeks. It's Kureyon, a yarn I've been thinking about for a while but never used. It does felt beautifully, but I'm not sure I like it all that much. The colour ways annoy me a bit, too. They all seem to be slightly off.
While some of the yarns I have grown to love aren't readily available here, there are other attractions, including a growing number of online sellers stocking organic yarns. I'm looking forward to working with organic cotton, hemp and nettle. I feel like making containers.
*Except possibly the kind of craft which involves a glue gun and diamontes.